• +86 400-0606-016
  • Yinhai Rd., 4518, Shouguang, China

According to our current practice, in addition to a large number of people can not control the factors, the controllable factors caused by the proportion of autism accounted for about 60%.

We believe that the controllable factors are as follows:

1)Good mood must be kept in pregnancy, do not be angry, panic, etc..

2)Cesarean shall be avoided as possible as it can. If eutocia actually fails to be implemented due to physical cause, parents must “communicate” with fetus for many times in advance to tell the fetus. Most of fetuses are able to understand.

3)Vacuum extraction, forceps, etc. shall be not used in eutocia as possible as it can.

4)Non-natural breed shall be highly and carefully emphasized, like test-tube baby.

2015 World Autism Day (April 2), China Disabled Persons Welfare Foundation Deputy Secretary-General Zhang Yanhua said at the press conference:

The incidence of autism in China is rising, the patient has exceeded 10 million. Since the last century, autism in China has experienced a rare disease to epidemic changes; the prevalence of autism in China and other countries in the world is similar, about 1%, autism has exceeded 10 million, 0 To 14 years old children sick of more than 200 million.

Beijing Evening News reported on August 1, 2016:

US media reports, the United States CDC released the latest statistics show that every 45 children in the United States there is an autism. Experts said that this is by far the most accurate incidence of autistic children in the United States survey report. In 1975, only one out of 5,000 American children was autistic, and by 2007, one in every 150 children, and one in every 80 children by 2013 Autism patients, the incidence increased year by year.

Autism is one of the fastest growing people in the world, with nearly 2 million people living with autism in the United States alone. WHO estimates that one in every 160 children worldwide suffers from autism.

The socio-economic burden of autism also increases year by year, the United States as of 2012, the incidence rate of 1/88 cases, has reached 137 billion US dollars.

Autism can be recovered, but the prevention of the significance of far greater than the onset of intervention.